Here is how our adoption process works:
- You can learn about our adoptable pets either from our website list or you can visit the shelter during our open hours to see the dogs and cats in person.
- Complete an Adoption Application when you visit the shelter or save time and fill out an application before you arrive!
- Once at the shelter, one of our staffers or volunteers will lead you to where you can see the dogs and cats.
- If you find any animal you're interested in, one of our friendly staff members or volunteers will introduce you personally to the animal so you can get to know each other.
- We ask that all members of the household where the animal will reside meet the animal. This includes non-human members too! Don't worry if you're not all there at once; we can work around busy schedules to set up additional meetings!
- If you'd like to proceed with an adoption, your application will be reviewed and we will discuss whether the animal is well suited for your household. Once you have been approved, the animal will be placed on a 24-hour hold so you carefully think about your decision overnight.
- If you decide you want to proceed with the adoption, we'll get the paperwork started!

Adoption Application |
*Plus $40 refundable deposit for any pet who has yet to be spayed/neutered.
Adoptable Pets:
Click Here for Adoptable Cats
Click Here for Adoptable Dogs
- Adoption fee includes FIV/leukemia testing for cats and heartworm testing for dogs, as well as up-to-date vet work, spay/neuter, deworming. microchipping and any other needed treatments.
- All animal adoptions have a contract to cover areas of care, health, return policy and responsibility.
- Any animal adopted that is too young to be spayed/neutered will receive a voucher to have the procedure done at the adopter's vet of choice. For kittens, this may only be done once they weigh at least 5 pounds (female) or 6 pounds (male).
- After your pet has been spayed/neutered, please provide vet proof of the procedure to Kewanee Animal Shelter so that your $40 deposit may be returned to you by check.
Adoptable Pets:
Click Here for Adoptable Cats
Click Here for Adoptable Dogs